Tax Planning

Tax Planning is often misunderstood with tax filing; however, whereas tax filing is done once a year, tax planning is something you do everyday.  UBOS and their tax team specialize in tax planning strategies that are widely used by major corporations and apply them to main street business owners and self-employed individuals.  They have consulted hundreds of clients over the years, and over 90% of them have experienced reduction in their income tax liabilities by an average of 25% – 50%.  The great thing is that these tax savings are annually recurring benefits for the clients.

UBOS and Ed Lyon Intro

At United Business Owners Solutions (UBOS), the goal is to protect the success of your business and secure its financial future.  UBOS tax team will work with you to understand your business, analyze relevant tax saving strategies, and design your customized Tax Blueprint®. Edward A. Lyon is an authority on tax-strategy planning as well as small business building best practices. He has coached over 2,000 tax practice owners on how to build their businesses and has written eight books.

Ed Lyon, JD

UBOS Chief Tax Strategist

What is Tax Planning?

UBOS tax planning services extend above and beyond tax preparation by helping you navigate complex tax compliance laws and regulations. Our experts will examine your business to provide consultation on how to reduce your tax liability, increase your deductions and maximize the tax credits you can take advantage of. By uncovering opportunities to minimize your taxes with UBOS, tax planning becomes business planning. So, if you are looking for ways to lower your tax bill, you should consider claiming all the deductions for which you are eligible. However, you need to ensure that you qualify the credit requirements before making a claim. And to make this sure, our experts are always available to help you out.

We are the Tax-Experts

If tax season looming around the corner creates anxiety for you, you’re not alone.
Leave your tax preparation to us and we’ll make sure all the necessary paperwork is correctly filed and audit-proof, taxes are paid in full, and of course, everything is delivered on time so you can spend your April 15th anxiety-free.

What are the Steps?

tax planning

Step 1

We start by collecting a copy of your most recent business and personal tax returns together with a data sheet that includes a summary of your assets. Once we get your forms, you will receive an email informing that your case has been accepted. A case manager and case number will be assigned.

Step 2

In 5 to 7 business days, your FREE Tax Analysis will be available. During this stage, we will provide a cost analysis showing guaranteed tax savings amount, projected tax savings and a one-time fee.

Step 3

Once you complete an engagement letter, a customized Tax Blueprint® will be generated. A meeting is set up with one of our specialized tax attorneys to go over your specific situation and make necessary adjustments. It is optional to have your CPA or tax professional in the meeting.

Step 4

Specific directions on how to implement the tax strategies will be sent to your accountant.

Tax Savings Victory List:

UBOS Tax Team has reviewed over hundred cases. In over 90% of our cases, we were able to reduce taxes for our clients significantly! The tax savings we provide are not just a one time solution. These IRS approved strategies are recurring from this year, i.e., our clients receive these tax savings every year from now on.

  • Federal Taxes Paid
  • $8,023
  • $5,231
  • $15,934
  • $54,178
  • $54,178
  • $32,875
  • $43,894
  • $27,150
  • $43,313
  • $60,874
  • $17,381
  • $20,230
  • $36,986
  • $43,391
  • $45,501
  • $51,930
  • $63,360
  • $84,532
  • $62,571
  • $55,000
  • $320,000
  • $440,000
  • $485,330
  • Yearly Tax Savings
  • $4,958
  • $3,744
  • $3,144
  • $6,282
  • $10,765
  • $4,838
  • $5,673
  • $8,990
  • $16,565
  • $10,552
  • $8,348
  • $11,156
  • $10,440
  • $12,398
  • $13,284
  • $19,857
  • $23,201
  • $24,955
  • $23,511
  • $23,019
  • $121,138
  • $203,590
  • $203,385
  • Industry
  • Food Industry
  • Insurance Agent
  • Insurance Agent
  • Medical/Dental
  • Medical/Dental
  • Retail
  • Marketing
  • Real Estate
  • Retail
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • Medical/Dental
  • Legal Services
  • Medical/Dental
  • Pro Golfer
  • Medical/Dental
  • Medical/Dental
  • Medical/Dental
  • Insurance Broker
  • Network Marketer
  • Entertainment
  • Hotel Owner
  • Entertainment

* Tax Planning disclosure: Tax Planning / Tax Blueprint® is provided through our affiliated vendors/providers.
* The results shown here are for illustration and education purpose only.  Same results are not guaranteed, and individual results may vary depending on income, expense, cash flow and other financial factors.

Dr. Jacob & Lisa's Tax Planning Experience

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